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Although limestone is a durable stone, it is also porous. Natural stone fireplaces need to be sealed properly and regularly. Limestone also one of the favourite natural stone and is commonly used for gas and electric fireplaces creating mesmerising focal points in any room.

There’s nothing like sitting round a fire during the colder months with a beautiful limestone fireplace. Deciding to add a fire to your home doesn’t just have to be about keeping you warm – they create a striking feature in your living room, dining room or bedroom, whatever the weather.

Often people who live in new builds or flats think they cannot have a fireplace, but that’s not the case. We'll look at the variety of fireplaces we offer and explain how they work and the different types of stones they comes in. When it comes to finding the ideal look, a lot of our range is available in both limestone and marble, so you won’t need to compromise on style. Plus, you can mix and match your fireplace & fire with its surrounding elements to create looks that are truly unique.

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